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A guide on how to create an email in cpanel

A guide on how to create an email in cpanel

People who just started to use cpanel they sometimes face a challenge of creating an email in their cpanel account. here is a guide on how to create an email in your cpanel at Luuka Host .

Create email account

To quickly create a new email account, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the cPanel’s Email Accounts interface (cPanel » Home » Email » Email Accounts).

2.Click Create. A new interface will appear.

3.Enter a new email address in the Username text box.

4.In the Password section, enter a secure password in the Password text box.

5.Click Create to create the account.

Use Webmail to check your account

To check your email account through Webmail, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to https://example.com:2096 in your preferred browser, where example.com represents your domain name.
  2. Enter the username part of your email address in the Email Address text box (for example, username for the [email protected] address).
  3. Enter your password in the Password text box.
  4. Click Log in

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